#SWAG: The Most Sustainable Step You Can Make!

The average U.S. shopper currently purchases over 59 pieces of clothing every year but does not wear 50% of the clothes in their closet!

Thanks to the rise of fast fashion and thus our willingness to throw out old clothes, we seldom consider the relationship we have with our garments. We often buy without thinking about whether we really love them or how much they will be used; nor are most of us aware of the environmental and social costs that go with throwing our clothes into the trash when their ultimate destination is the landfill.

The most sustainable, simplest, and economical solution to this problem is simply Swear to Wear All of our Garments - #SWAG. Wearing more of our clothes more often is the easiest way to extend their life cycle and keep them out of landfills. That is where they degrade into methane, a 30x to 40x more potent greenhouse gas than CO2.

By injecting some #SWAG into our attitudes about our clothes through the #SWAG pledge, we will also inject some swag, or stylish confidence, into our lives.

Join the global team of EcoAthletes Champions and help us make our clothes a force for good. Your pledge will join theirs, and thousands of others, demonstrating the growing demand for sustainable fashion to media and major apparel brands around the world.

Share the pledge with your friends and family. Together we can reduce the impacts to our climate from our closet and demonstrate the demand for sustainable clothing from the brands we love.


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